Dog Treat & Poop Bag Mega Bundle

Tickets Sold: 186
5 for £3 Multibuy / 3 Winners



  1. jasonmills61
    Ticket number: 198
  2. tracylorenz
    Ticket number: 50
  3. ann.fischer
    Ticket number: 149
  1. Jason Mills
    Ticket number: 198
  2. Tracy Lorenz
    Ticket number: 50
  3. Ann Fischer
    Ticket number: 149

Our automated cost of living draws continue and will be won on Friday night at 8pm

There will be THREE Winners for each of our cost of living draws which can be won for 69p.

Take advantage of the multibuy discount of 5 tickets for £3 bring each entry down to just 60p

With 3 winners available, you could win all 3 if lady luck is on your side!

Good Luck All